Dear Elsa:
I am glad to hear from a person interested in world affairs and with a specific interest in our country.
There are some thinking mistakes that you make, but it is understandable because your people lack the political education we have.
China is fond of America. How can we forget your great victory in WWII? And you are right. We have learned much from you and will continue to do so. We have learned more from you than you from us.
We understand that we have to borrow from the West to expedite our development. All Chinese know that. We do not see it as stealing. We see it as the price outsiders must pay for doing business with us and profiting from our great markets.
Now and then we will sign a trade agreement saying that we will not insist that a foreign country establishes a partnership with a local one, but that is just to get you to come over. Once you are here and see the benefits of working with our superb labor force, then you will not complain when we start copying your techniques to establish our own enterprises. Eventually, our own companies will outcompete you because we will make the product better and cheaper.
China is a much older country than America. You have not suffered like we have at the hands of foreign powers that came to repress and abuse us. And it is not only foreign powers that have brutalized us, we have been brutalized too by our own internal divisions.
But we have learned.
The world now knows that Chinese labor is the best in the world.
The world also realizes that we are very creative. You mentioned our going to the moon. Did you know that we didn’t get help from any nation? That is right. We did it all on our own.
You mention censorship. The Chinese understand that this is simply part of a phase of development and they are willing to sacrifice.
The Chinese people also understand that human beings’ tendency to disorder — which I call human entropy — is at the root of individualism and its inevitable excesses. To counter this negative tendency, we created a collective system that is fast becoming the envy of the world. Our collective system works because it leads to greater creativity and a sense of national purpose. And it is this, along with our political discipline, what gives vigor to our common purpose and one day will make us the strongest nation in the world.
Yes, you are right. China wants to do that. And Elsa, there is nothing that can stop us.
America will not be able to. You love our products. You want more, not less.
Businesspeople from everywhere want to come here to work and invest. Like you say in America, this is where the money is.
In time, the Yuan will replace the dollar as the premier reserve currency for the world. That will be a great day. I may not see it but you will, for you are much younger than me.
I am proud to be China’s leader. Proud to lead a nation willing to sacrifice for our children and grandchildren as we march together toward an ever brighter future.
We can do it and will, for we have learned the power of patience and hard work.
May serenity and bliss be always with you.
Xi Jinping
People’s Republic of China.
Founded October 1, 1949 oscar valdes@widehumr