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Here we are, ending the first quarter of the 21st century, and we still have an ongoing battle over the right of women to have complete control over their bodies.
It’s been a long struggle.
Who’s winning? Women.
Who will win? Women.
But it will take time because men hold more power than women and they’re reluctant to give it up.
In countries like Iran, women have to dress according to how men decide.
And they can move up only as far as men want.
I hear that some improvements have been made in Saudi Arabia — women now can drive a vehicle — but a lot more progress needs to be made to reach parity and it’s unlikely that will happen. Not with the family presently in power. I won’t call it a royal family because that qualifier is not deserved.
Here in America we still have huge divisions over the right of women to have an abortion.
People opposed to it, both men and women, think that women have an obligation to the universe or humankind, to forgo their personal development in the interest of helping create another person. They do not.
Therein lies the power of women. To consent to move us forward or not.
Women have the right to say, ‘My personal development, in whatever field I choose and have the capacity to perform in, is up to me to pursue.’
Want to gestate, instead, and bring a child into the world? Terrific.
But be aware of the tradeoffs you’re making.
You’re forgoing developing in your chosen field of endeavor.
Will you get all…