In the next day or two, Warren will make her announcement. The choice is clear. She’s a talented intellectual with a political future. There is no future in endorsing Sanders.
Warren miscalculated when she took a center left position that made her seem too close to Sanders, and she’s paid the price in the polls.
But she has a political future. I think she should campaign for Biden all the way through November and thus add weight to the Biden movement.
And she would make a fine secretary of state in a Biden administration.
With the show of strength in Super Tuesday, Biden’s campaign should steadily add to the lead in delegates and so go into Milwaukee with the sufficient number.
Which brings me to the matter of vice presidential choice.
It should be a woman.
As things stand now, Amy Klobuchar is in the lead among potential candidates.
Biden will be tempted to consider Harris for the position but I think it will be a mistake.
He already has the black vote. He doesn’t need to offer the position as a gift for their support.
What he needs to do, once he’s elected, is deliver on the promises he’s made.
And now to Obama’s endorsement.
I see the merits of his having abstained from endorsing Biden to let things play out.
But they have already played out. And it is clear that Biden’s solid performance on Super Tuesday will continue to be replicated in other states.
Endorsing Biden now may seem like the kiss of death to the Sanders’ campaign but the party needs to solidify behind Biden and the quicker it is done, the more productive the outcome.
Sanders’ supporters need to feel represented in Biden’s campaign.
And so should every American, including those who now support Donald Trump.
The message will need to be refined. The less strife leading up to the convention, the more time to clarify the positions and broaden the appeal.