Member-only story
Trump has come to the realization that he was not able to end the Russo-Ukrainian war in 24 hours, a promise he’d made while campaigning.
Putin knew all along that it was pure talk and now reality is looking Trump in the face.
Our President now says that if Russia cannot make a deal and soon, he’d have to impose sanctions (WSJ article today), adding that he loves the Russian people, doesn’t want to hurt Russia and has always had a very good relationship with President Putin.
I can hear Putin laugh at that.
Trump says that Ukraine is ready for talks to end the war.
Yes, but Ukrainians do not want to give up their land or their freedom.
Trump’s VP has come out with his own plan to end the conflict. Freeze the present boundaries, in other words yield completely to Putin, and then, for good measure, renounce Ukraine’s chance to EU membership. It is a nonsense proposal but I cite it for the record.
I have been of the opinion that Trump would bow to Putin, bend over backwards to accommodate him.
But maybe he’s come to understand the gravity of the situation and to realize that his image would be badly tarnished if he gives in to the Russian.
What is needed is a confrontational approach from Trump.
No matter how you look at it, Putin started this and is guilty of killing thousands and thousands of Ukrainians and an even greater number of his own people.
Could enlisting the Chinese leader to put…