Member-only story
A headline in this morning’s Wall Street Journal reads, ‘Trump’s Hold on Rural America Is Key to His Resilience.’
We’ve known this.
We understand that Rural America has felt forgotten and left behind. We understand that globalization, with its wrenching changes, added to their economic pain and diminished sense of wellbeing.
But to pick Trump as a candidate?
He is facing several legal charges — one related to his real estate business practices while he lived in New York — but the one that stands out for me as the most revealing of his character, is his inciting of the assault on Capitol Hill on Jan 6th 2021.
He was impeached by congress for it but a Republican majority chose to ignore the severity of the charge. Such action was, in itself, an assault on democracy.
Yet some Republicans stood bravely for the truth. Liz Cheney, then a representative in congress, showed much courage by going against her party. She then lost her reelection bid but to this day stands as a symbol of integrity.
The matter of Trump’s inciting the assault on Capitol Hill has been the reason he has been declared ineligible to appear on the ballot in Colorado and Maine. Other states are considering similar actions.
Now the matter of his eligibility has been sent up to the Supreme Court of this land.
It is clear that Trump will do anything to regain power. And it is clear how flawed his character is.
Is that in the nation’s best interest? No. But Rural…