Member-only story
He loves to titillate. To entertain. To amuse.
He wakes up in the morning and says to himself, ‘now, what could I do today, what could I say to keep my people pleased and happy, to keep them excited?’
During the campaign, he raised a lot less money than the Democrats — and fretted over it a great deal — so was ecstatic with the results. To his surprise, he had gone on to win decisively. So, no need to carry on about the ‘great steal’, no need to march again on Capitol Hill. Oh, and all those charges against him would be dropped. ‘Life is good. What have I done to deserve such bliss?’
Still, he has reason to frown. Now he has to govern effectively and not disappoint.
That is the hard part, and he knows it.
Take the promise of deportations. Beating that drum got him elected. But would it harm us?
He had carried on shamelessly about Haitian immigrants eating their neighbors’ pets. Carried on about how all other countries had made their own people safer because they had exported their criminals to America. He had even talked about moving to Venezuela if he lost the election because that country, under the prince that Nicolas Maduro is, had become so much safer. The 8 million Venezuelans that had gone into exile surely were the criminals, so now the country was just perfect.
Trump had made the same promise to deport every illegal during his first term but then Covid got in the way. And the Great…