To stand up against Putin and simply say No.
No to Putin’s threat to invade the Ukraine.
No to Putin inventing the idea that the West wants to invade Russia.
No to Putin’s willingness to sacrifice Russian lives in the conquest of the Ukraine.
Ukrainians will not be intimidated by Putin.
They will fight for the right of their country to choose their path forward
Like Russians themselves should do.
Russians should say ‘thank you’ to Ukrainians for their courage to defy Putin.
This is also the time for Alexei Navalny, still in prison on Putin’s orders, to speak out on the importance of respecting Ukrainians’ wishes. No matter what bonds they may have with the Russian people, Ukrainians have made it clear they are willing to embark on a new path.
Let them be. Respect their choice.
This is the time to say No to Putin’s blocking free elections in Russia.
No to his barring freedom of speech.
No to Putin’s wanting to stay in charge until 2036.
This is the time for a young leader, man or woman, to emerge in Russia, a fresh voice speaking on behalf of the future of their land, to say loudly that the country needs to step out of its isolation, that the country needs to open up to the world and be part of it, that Russia wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with other cultural, technological and industrial leaders of the world, confident as they should be that they have the brains and competence to do well.
Just imagine for a moment a Russia that is not led by a paranoid and controlling Putin,
Just imagine a Russia that on opening its borders makes itself attractive to foreign investments,
Just imagine the increase in productivity and in the standard of living.
There is a yearning in the breast of Russian citizens to be part of a changing world.
Putin stands in the way and uses violence to repress that yearning.
The Russian spirit should not give in.
The Russian mind should not bow to a man consumed with dreams of personal power.
Do not enable him by conforming.
This is the time to say No.
And it can be said peacefully. Just keep saying it.
Again and again. Until he steps down and then the spirit of freedom will sweep into that great land.
Say No to Putin and Yes for Russia to be a part of our new and changing world.
Please join us. The rest of us are waiting for your contributions. We need you and your creativity.
Please step forward and join the forces fighting for progress and against repression.
This is the time.
Oscar Valdes. —, apple and google podcasts and buzzsprout.