Texas In The Spotlight

3 min readMay 26, 2021


Photo by Natalie Chaney on Unsplash

The governor is about to sign a measure approved by the state’s legislature that will allow anyone 21 or older to carry a handgun without a license or the background check and training that went with it.

Gun lovers are rejoicing.

Finally, Texans are being allowed to be Texans.

They will be fully able to defend themselves from others intending to harm them.

Finally, freedom from the restrictions imposed by liberals who insist in the absurd notion that we’re all in this together.

Finally, an enlightened Republican legislature, is making it possible for Texans to resolve disputes on the spot. You fire, I fire.

Finally, Texans can call for the death of dialogue. For the death of words to take the place of bullets.

It has not been an easy journey. Not easy to arrive at the conclusion that being 21 years old gives you the insight to draw your weapon and fire away.

The profound wisdom of homegrown philosophers was thoroughly examined during the exhaustive process to arrive at the momentous decision.

Freedom, yes, finally, freedom for Texans.

No need to worry about the conditions that lead others to despair and to wish to harm others and themselves.

No need to fret over the human deterioration that leads others to devalue their lives and that of others.

No need to invest in the arduous process of creating better human beings.

Just give them a gun and the matter is settled. The one who draws faster is the one who comes out ahead. Period.

And this is happening in 2021.

This is happening the same year that a Texas hero, Donald Trump, took it upon himself to encourage an assault on the US Capitol because he was angry he hadn’t won the election and how dare the rest of the nation not think like Texans who adore him.

Mind you, Texas has beautiful people, caring and thoughtful, who don’t agree with this decision. But the majority has spoken.

To those who disagree, you can always move out.

Personally, I will make a point to put the state in my flyover list. Just in case I displease a native who will then draw his weapon.

To the gun lovers I say, please, do not let this hold you back. Work on seceding from the rest of the nation. I, for one, will be glad to let you go.

We could still cooperate on matters of defense and other things. Sure.

But here is what I predict. Soon enough, the rate of shootings of innocent people will start to rise and become the highest in the nation.

Nothing can take the place of nurturing the ability to think and being more compassionate.

And it takes hard and patient work.

There is a place for guns in our world, but not to have unrestricted access to them.

I now grieve the loss of Texas from my romantic heart. I had thought of visiting Austin one day, spending time in Dallas, San Antonio, returning to Houston.

I can think of great Texans I would have liked to meet, like Lyndon Johnson and Barbara Jordan.

And I am sure there are many others.

For now, though, the lights in Texas are dimming.

May the forces that are working to keep them bright, one day again prevail.

Meanwhile, good luck, Texas.

Oscar Valdes. Oscarvaldes.net

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