Member-only story
P — The West, they don’t get it…
X — No, they don’t.
P — The simple notion that people are more at peace when political thinking is left to others…
X — I know… it’s like they all believe they could become leaders.
They laugh.
P — It has taken us a long and arduous journey to get where we are now… all those difficult choices we’ve had to make… to finally be able to say to ourselves… we are the best of our people… and so it belongs to us to rule them… to tell them what to do and when to do it.
The satisfaction is immense… well worth the sacrifice.
X — Well said.
P — I’m so glad to have got all the support you’ve given me in this war.
X — My pleasure.
P — Without you… things would’ve been even more difficult. So your support gives me the time to wait them out… because they will crack, I’m sure of that.
X — I hope it’s soon… so you won’t suffer any more casualties.
P — Russians know there’s a Heaven… free of pain.
X — We differ on that… but the Chinese people are willing to sacrifice for the sake of a greater nation… that together with Russia, will rule the world. I hope to see it during my lifetime.
P — Yes. I do, too. The day will come when we conquer the West.
X — We don’t have to conquer them… just use them to our ends… and surpass them in every field.
P — You don’t think we’ll have to invade Europe?
X — No need. I’m…