Member-only story
The nation needs to see you in action against Trump.
You already did it in 2020. Now it’s time to repeat your performance.
‘Anytime. Anywhere. Anyplace.’ That was the challenge Trump just sent out.
Don’t sit on a response.
He may be a bit desperate, sensing his support slipping, but his challenge must not go unmet.
The nation needs to see the two of you doing the ideas and verbal battle in front of a national audience.
We need to see the two of you holding back nothing because so much is at stake.
Never mind if you get bruised in the fight, the point is you must win.
Democrats need to see you coming out of that fight with a smile on your face, a smile that says — ‘that is why I should be your next president and not him.’
Trump knows there are risks inherent in a debate, but he’s willing to take them.
I suspect he is feeling emboldened by his many court appearances and the aura of outsider and champion of the ‘left behind’ he keeps grooming, but that does not improve what he represents nor does it erase his many poor choices.
Mr Biden, do not make the mistake of underestimating Trump like Hillary Clinton did.
Trump is deeply flawed but he is smart and has strong — self serving — political instincts.
Is he challenging you now because he’s smelling blood?
Most likely.
He was careful to avoid debating his Republican challengers, believing they might tarnish his image, so that should give you some comfort, but for…