Joe and Jill go Up the Hill

4 min readMay 28, 2020


The big question to answer is, should Biden select an African American woman for the vice presidential spot?

To try and find out I transformed myself into a fly and flew into the Bidens’ living quarters.

Becoming a fly allowed me to pass through the many secret service checks. A few times they swatted at me and even sprayed some nasty mist in my direction but I managed to dodge till, finally, was able to find a spot up on the ceiling of their living room. I anchored myself in such fashion that I could hear all they said, without seeing any of what they did. Respecting their privacy is important to me.

They had just stepped in from their bedroom when I first heard them.

They sat down.

Joe — That is the question. Will African Americans feel disappointed and cool on me if I don’t choose one of them?

Jill — It’s a lot of pressure you’re under.

Joe — I wouldn’t be where I am if it hadn’t been for their showing up in great numbers in the South Carolina primary.

Jill — But still you worry about it, don’t you?

Joe — I do.

Jill — Why?

Joe — My main task is to win and remove Trump. The nation cannot endure four more years of this man. The African American vote alone won’t get us there. We need votes from every sector, from the Right to the Left, the poor to the rich and from all minorities. Whites are a majority in this country. I have to appeal to those who voted for Trump and are disappointed with his performance. Race played a big part in Trump’s victory. So I have to reach out to those voters and say to them, ‘look at me, brothers and sisters, I am a white man. Throughout all my political career I have defended the rights of African Americans, and guess what? Doing so has not diminished me but, instead, made me a better person and a better politician for all Americans. Had I not made the choices I made, Obama would not have chosen me as his running mate, and I would not have been able to serve the nation as I did.

Jill — I like that, Joe.

Joe — Thanks, baby.

Jill — It speaks to the need for continued integration, and that new strengths will arise from our coming together… not pulling apart.

Joe — Yes.

Jill — I worry, though, that the various camps… Warren’s, Harris’, Klobuchar’s… and the women governors who believe they might be picked… all keep striving to find favor with you… the people they represent thinking that what they stand for should be put up front on the national agenda, that their views should have a stronger voice, and their candidate being selected would make that more likely.

Joe — I understand. My task, though, is to convey to the nation, that I will be a President for everyone. I will be a president for the Trump supporter who will vote against me, and I will be a president for him because I will listen to what he has to say. I will also be a president to those who have given up on going to the polls, because they no longer believe their plight will ever be heard. Having been a life long supporter of African American causes, has helped me acquire the strength required.

Jill — You don’t feel you have to prove it by choosing an African American…

Joe — Right. Color alone will not sway me. Character will. How can we forget the good Reverend?

Jill — Indeed.

Joe — When you go to the polls and vote for me, you will be voting for what I stand, and my pledge to devote the rest of my life to making this country all it can be. And I will show you my taxes, too.

Jill laughs.

Jill — Joe… have you made up your mind, already?

Joe — I have.

Jill — I had a sense.

Joe — It wasn’t a difficult decision, once I thought about it in detail.

Jill — You feel good about it?

Joe — Very good.

Jill — Any hint?

Joe — I’ll give you one… it is one of the women who ran for president.

Jill — Why?

Joe — Because they put themselves out… they went for it with all they had. I value that.

Jill — That narrows it down quite a bit.

Joe — Yes. Who was your favorite?

Jill — I don’t want to tell you, it might influence you.

Joe — I’ve made up my mind.

Jill — I’ll wait till you announce. When will you?

Joe — At the convention. Keeping to tradition.

Jill — Something to look forward to.

Joe — Yes.

They are quiet for a moment.

Jill — Here’s another question for you… don’t answer if you don’t want. In multiracial America, is there room for an all white presidential ticket?

Joe — You’re nipping close, aren’t you?

Jill — You don’t have to answer.

Joe — Yes, there is. There’s room for an all white ticket.

Jill leans back in her seat and as she does she looks up and notices the fly on the ceiling.

Jill — There’s a fly up there. Wonder how it got in. Joe… Trump will not go down quietly.

Joe — I know. And neither will the voices that preach disunion, privilege and enmity. Look… this race is mine to lose… only I offer the hope for a government that is open to all… and to which I will bring the best and brightest to the White House… from the Right, the Left and the Center, and steer a path to reconciliation and healing.

Jill — And I will be there at your side.

Joe — Ah… what else can a man ask for? Come over here, baby.

At which point, thinking the rest was none of my business, I flew away so I could record what you have just read.

Oscar Valdes is the author of ‘Psychiatrist for a Nation’, available on Amazon and




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