Member-only story
The other day our vicepresident gave a speech in Munich to tell Europeans how things should be done.
Word must’ve got out on the content of the speech before the event because Macron and Scholz decided to skip it.
Good for them.
They certainly didn’t need to be lectured by Mr Vance on what’s really going on in their respective countries.
Europeans were ‘repressing’ their people, said our vicepresident, they were not allowing Right Wing parties enough say so and they weren’t being hard enough on immigrants. Instead, Europeans were finding ways to accommodate them while preserving their values. We could learn from them.
But immigrant bashing is in vogue. They are the enemy. No need to look inside ourselves and find better ways to deal with the problem.
To say that Vance wants to imitate Trump faithfully is an understatement. He may want to even go further.
The Euro zone is a large group of democracies working to improve their functioning. They do not need to be talked down to.
We do not have to agree with the entirety of the Europeans’ social welfare programs but we certainly can use some of it here to reduce our homelessness, crime and poverty.
We certainly can invest more in the education of our people, bringing good schools to deprived areas and — working with industry — set up apprenticeship programs.
A lot of the political support Trump tapped to get elected comes from people who feel left behind and are wanting to…