Member-only story
Like it or not.
And it’s good for us.
We may want to be guarded about our political ideas but we better put time into developing them. Otherwise we will not have informed judgments on decisions that will affect us.
‘I hate politics,’ some will say, but put time into it anyway.
Compare to brushing your teeth. Maybe you’d rather skip it but you’ll pay for it down the line.
Compare to exercising. You don’t have to like it, but if you don’t exercise you won’t live as long as you could.
Compare to making money. You may not like doing it but if you don’t, then what?
Nothing. Zippo. There’s the forest out there for you to sort out. Good luck.
One of the problems with politics is that it attracts a certain kind of character.
People who prefer to tell others what to do.
People who think they have got something so special that others should stop and listen and then follow them.
Many are very crafty. Good at persuading and when needed, good at intimidating.
The world can be divided into three broad camps. Those who intimidate, those who let themselves be intimidated and those who say to the intimidator, ‘take a hike Jack — or Jaqueline — I’m doing my own thing’.
One of the most distasteful kinds of human beings are the ones who help the intimidators carry out their designs.
To be political is to acknowledge that we face intimidation of one kind or another every day of our lives.
To stand up to such intimidation is to affirm our…