Member-only story

From Russia with Love

4 min readMar 12, 2023


Photo by Nikolay Vorobyev on Unsplash

Putin Speaks.

It’s a beautiful Saturday morning here in Moscow. Yes. Life is wonderful.
I am still undecided as to how many more missiles I will fire unto Ukraine today.
All part of my grand plan to turn their territory into rubble. So I can build again. Repopulate that land with pure Russian stock.
I’ve already ordered new maps showing how fantastic the expanded Russia will look after I take over all their territory. And after that will come Moldova. Poor creatures, they’re thinking that because they’re pro Western they will find protection. Ha!
I can run that country over in less than a day.
It’s occurred to me that on the missiles I fire into Ukraine, I should stencil in Glory to Ukraine. Love, Putin.
Yes, they will hate me, and the more they do the more I will fire my missiles. And by now I know that I will not run out of stock because China, seeing how impotent the West is in standing up to me, will keep me well supplied.
And if Ukraine peels the paint off some missiles and it reads Made in China, we simply deny it.
And the West will cry foul. Then create a commission to investigate. And a commission to investigate the commission in case there are some improprieties.
Meanwhile I just keep firing away.
Oh, the ecstasy of it.
I had no idea that this orgy of killing and death I have started would be so delicious.
I admit that something has happened to me. The few inhibitions I had have disappeared.
Guilt is gone. I…




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