Donald Trump and Elon Musk Meet

4 min readJun 18, 2024

The two men meet at an undisclosed location in the Mid-West where Trump is readying for a rally while prepping for the upcoming 6/27 debate with Biden.
They greet warmly and sit opposite each other.
‘I’ll say this, Elon… if you had been born in the US, you would’ve been my VP choice,’ starts Trump.
‘Thank you for that,’ returns Musk, ‘it is truly wonderful to hear it. You just made my day.’
‘And when I win in November, you’re tops on my list for Secretary of Defense,’ continues Trump.
‘Wow… I’m so honored… don’t know what to say.’
‘Say nothing… but that’s how highly I think of you… the way you manage…




Writer and psychiatrist. Writing is thinking -> integrating -> connecting -> enhancing our being. Though we can think without writing.